maandag 17 januari 2011

oproep aan alleenstaande moeders

Een journalist benaderde me met de vraag of ik alleenstaande moeders ken die zouden willen meewerken aan een artikel over rondkomen als alleenstaande moeder. Hoe doe je dat? Welke tips zijn er? Hebben bezuinigingen van de overheid een invloed?

Wie wil meewerken kan mij een mailtje sturen (

zondag 16 januari 2011

The remains of kitchen

At the moment, cooking is more of a challenge than it usually is. My bathroom has been converted in a kitchenette, with only the bare necessities. My son and I have dinner in my home office and breakfast in my bedroom.
This is because our kitchen is currently being renovated. Renovations have two sides to them. True, there is the hassle, the dust, the noise and the general inconvenience. But on the upside there is the excitement about something new being achieved, about improvement, about new steps being taken. I quite enjoy having to be resourceful, doing things differently for once and using only the basics.
Moreover, my kitchen really needed work. I was stale, worse for wear and tear, dark, depressing, oppressive. Now...all that is left are debris (see picture).

Out with the old, in with the new.