maandag 28 februari 2011

Failing to plan is....planning to fail.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Most of us have heard or read that sentence more than once. I find it irritating but true.

If you plan on becoming a work-at-home-mom, planning is as crucial as it would be for any other venture. You need to work out (to some extent at least) what line of business you'd like to operate, how much it will cost to get started and keep running, what skills you can use to your advantage and how all of this will affect your family time and household.

As a wahm's business plan can be quite different from a conventional business plan (aimed at getting a loan from the bank, something many wahm's do not need) I made a business plan for wahm's on the business and diapers site.

Have a look at (at the homepage and at the free downloads section) to see if it can be of use to you. Good luck!

Any comments, feedback or suggestions are welcome at

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